How to achieve carbonzero certification

We are proud to be a carbonzero certified organisation, and we are New Zealand’s only provider of carbonzero Certified Electricity. As proud as we are, we’d take even more pride if you joined us and became a carbonzero certified organisation as well. Read on for a rundown of what carbonzero certification entails.
About carbonzero
The carbonzero CERTTM and CEMARS® (Certified Emissions Measurement And Reduction Scheme) were developed by Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, one of New Zealand’s Crown research institutes. A carbonzero certification recognises businesses that are carbon neutral, and the evaluation and criteria have a strong foundation in science and exceed international best practice standards.
The certification is offered through Toitū Envirocare (formerly Enviro-Mark Solutions), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research. Toitū offers carbonzero and carbonreduce certification in 17 countries and the certification is now recognised in more than 60 countries.
How to achieve carbon neutrality
After registering with Toitū, there is a five-step process for becoming carbonzero certified.
The process starts by measuring your company’s greenhouse gas emissions. Toitū helps you identify the data, tools, software and other resources you need to do this.
The next step is making efforts to manage and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Options include using electric vehicles in your company fleet, switching to eco-friendly materials for production, and running your operations using a carbonzero certified electricity provider. Toitū can help determine appropriate reduction options for you to implement.
Applicants for the certificate then undergo an external audit to verify that emission measurements are accurate and that the management plan is appropriate.
As a final step, unavoidable emissions are offset by the purchasing of carbon credits. Toitū has a verified list of local and international carbon credit providers.
Once you have achieved carbon neutrality, Toitū is committed to helping you market your achievement. In addition to a certification logo, they will work with your marketing and communications team to help spread the good news. This benefits your company and also promotes the importance of minimising our carbon footprints.
What makes Ecotricity carbonzero
If you get your electricity from Ecotricity, it means your power is carbon neutral on an annualised life-cycle basis. We purchase power from specific wind, hydro and solar sites where we have identified the full greenhouse gas lifecycle and have found the emissions to be low. If there are remaining emissions that can’t be avoided, these are offset through buying verified carbon credits. We only use New Zealand Native Bush Carbon Credits, which support New Zealand’s biodiversity.
That’s just our electricity.
We’re also a carbonzero certified company. Our efforts to keep to the high carbonzero standard include our fleet of 100% Electric Vehicles (which we share with customers to spread the word), our commitment to educate the public about emission reduction, our prioritisation of telecommuting over air travel and our dedication to minimising waste and maximising recycling, both in our offices and our homes.