Toitū climate positive power
Proudly NZ's first, and only, Toitū climate positive certified electricity provider
ISO 14067 Product annualised and ISO 14064-1 Organisation certified.
The cleanest, greenest electricity money can buy
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We are on a mission to reduce emissions
Electricity generation is one of the main carbon emitters in NZ. We want to change that, that’s why we only purchase our electricity from 100% renewable, Toitū climate positive certified wind, hydro and solar. Join the renewable energy movement and reduce your carbon footprint.
Keen to go green?
Go on, make the switch to the cleanest, greenest electricity New Zealand has to offer. It’s easy and our team will be with you every step of the way. Just give us a call if you have any questions.
By choosing Ecotricity you are supporting the development of new renewable generation projects. Your electricity consumption is matched to 100% renewable, climate positive certified energy sources over a 12 month period.
Ecotricity only purchases power from Toitū climate positive certified hydro, wind or solar or sources. Because electricity is an interchangeable commodity throughout New Zealand, we are very accurately able to account for how much energy our customers are using and conversely how much we need to purchase from climate positive certified, renewable resources on an annualised basis. The net effect is that Ecotricity is only supplying from certified renewable sources and does not need to tap into dirty sources to fill in the gaps.
Toitū climate positive certified
We are New Zealand's only provider of Toitū climate positive certified electricity.
At Ecotricity, we only purchase our energy from Toitū climate positive certified wind, hydro and solar generation sites. We can accurately account for how much energy we are supplying our customers with and conversely purchasing from renewable resources on an annualized basis. The net effect is that we are only purchasing from certified renewable sources.
We’re committed to making New Zealand's electricity grid 100% renewable by actively promoting the development of solar farms, wind farms and residential solar to replace reliance on fossil fuels and bring down the cost of electricity.
Toitū helps accurately measure our greenhouse gas emissions, and puts in place strategies to manage, reduce, and offset our impacts. They facilitate offsetting our remaining emissions through verified carbon credits to enhance biodiversity and sequester carbon dioxide in New Zealand, achieving a neutral balance.