How the community benefits from Ecotricity’s ethical energy focus

For us, ethical energy isn’t just a feel-good term that we throw around to boost our image. It is a symbol of our commitment to New Zealand’s land, environment and people. Take a look at how the community benefits from Ecotricity’s focus on ethical energy.
Ethical energy is good for everyone
For energy to be ethical, it must be clean, harm-free and accessible. Popular clean energy sources include solar, wind and water. These sources are clean because of their low carbon footprint. Many of these sources are also harm-free, meaning they do not damage the environment or society. For example, a wind farm may be clean, but may not be ethical if placed in the flight path of migratory birds. Solar, wind and water need to be accessible to all in order to be ethical and not just provide power to those with more money.
By focusing on ethical energy, we are refusing to settle for the baseline of what can be considered renewable energy. We want to benefit everyone in as many ways as possible, and we ensure that the energy we source is clean, does not cause harm and is accessible to all New Zealanders.
Upholds New Zealand values and ideals
New Zealand prides itself as being clean and green. Our identity as a nation is wrapped up in the ideals of protecting and preserving the natural environment for future generations. This identity is something that unites all New Zealanders, regardless of race, gender or socioeconomic status. As such, Ecotricity is committed to the kaitiakitanga (stewardship) of New Zealand’s land. We assist in protecting our natural taonga (treasures) by reducing our carbon footprint through the promotion of ethical energy.
Empower our customers
We go above and beyond for our customers. Besides providing them with 100% renewable and carbonzero Certified electricity, we also empower them by involving them in our promotion of and dedication to ethical energy. In addition to treating our customers fairly by providing bill transparency, part of each bill goes towards promoting renewable energy and moving New Zealand towards electric transportation. We also encourage our customers to switch to electric vehicles by educating and advocating for electric transport. We are role models for companies we provide electricity to –our company vehicle fleet is 100% electric and we help encourage and support our clients in making that move.
Support our employees
We care about the success of our employees and want to support them in whatever way we can. As such, Ecotricity is proud of its status as a living wage accredited employer. All of our employees are paid at least the living wage, ensuring that they can provide for their families and not feel burdened by financial pressures. Our commitment to our employees is part of what makes our energy ethical.
What to join the ethical energy movement? Contact us today.