SBN Awards 2017
The Sustainable Business Network Awards is an event to acknowledge the distinguished corporate leaders whom embrace sustainability and drive changes for the community in an innovative and unique manner.
With the Rt Hon Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern attending the awards, the night will be one to remember as sustainability becomes more significant than ever for the future of NZ businesses.
Ecotricity were proud category finalists in two awards, Communicating for Change and Smarter Transport. As NZ’s Cleanest and Greenest Electricity Provider, we set out to encourage and educate Kiwi’s about renewable energy and exciting advancements taking place with Electric transport through our popular You Tube ecoTEC channel and ecoNEWS articles.
Unfortunately we did not walk away from the awards night as overall winners but we received judge’s commendation for our effort towards Smarter Transport.
All in all, it was a fabulous night and great to see many of our friends and customers like Reclaim, Wishbone Design, and ChargeNet NZ.
Congratulations to all the Winners and Thank You Sustainable Business Networks and NZI for a splendid night!