Eco news and stories

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Get Off The Gas!


If you’re still using gas you’re BURNING UP THE PLANET ……..and YOUR WALLET. Gas Users can save up to $8,000 over a 10 year period by switching to more efficient Electric Appliances.Download our Ecotricity vs GAS Savings Calculator (best viewed on you...

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Customers/ Partners

Chorus fibre now supercharged by Toitu Certified carbonzero electricity!


Over the last eighteen months, Chorus has been on a journey in terms of its sustainability focus. We sat down with Hannah Taylor, Head of Sustainability at Chorus, to ask about their sustainability journey, goals and why they chose Ecotricity to powe...

Read blog post Chorus fibre now supercharged by Toitu Certified carbonzero electricity!
Electric Vehicles

Sparky, the world’s first full-sized, 100% electric tugboat!


Tāmaki Makaurau recently welcomed Sparky to the family, the world’s first full-sized, fully electric tugboat. Ports of Auckland signed a contract with Damen Shipyards, a Dutch maritime manufacturer, back in 2019, to purchase a 100% electric full-size...

Read blog post Sparky, the world’s first full-sized, 100% electric tugboat!
Electric Vehicles

“Startling” Data on Vehicle Pollution Shows EVs Are The Way Forward


The latest data released on air pollution from cars in New Zealand highlights the urgent need to move away from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, and switch to greener alternatives. An alarming number of Kiwis are dying or being admitted to...

Read blog post “Startling” Data on Vehicle Pollution Shows EVs Are The Way Forward

Grow your own sustainable Winter Garden


Growing your own food is a great way to reduce your supermarket bills while also decreasing your carbon footprint and general packaging waste. Plus, nothing beats the satisfaction of serving a meal with ingredients that you grabbed from your garden!W...

Read blog post Grow your own sustainable Winter Garden

IPCC Report - it's now or never


The IPCC has released the third and final report on the mitigation of climate change.After seven years of observing and evaluating the state of the planet, the climate change authority says it’s possible to reach a low carbon economy. It’s now or nev...

Read blog post IPCC Report - it's now or never
Electric Vehicles

Save between $8,625 and $1,780 on your EV!


Great news! On April 1st, 2022, buying an electric car has just got even cheaper when compared to a petrol or diesel one. The clean car rebate will help NZ reach its commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. The passing of t...

Read blog post Save between $8,625 and $1,780 on your EV!
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