Save between $8,625 and $1,780 on your EV!

Great news!
On April 1st, 2022, buying an electric car has just got even cheaper when compared to a petrol or diesel one.
The clean car rebate will help NZ reach its commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. The passing of the Clean Vehicles legislation delivers on our 2020 election commitment to introduce a Clean Car Import Standard, which offers Kiwis greater access to low and zero-emissions vehicles. These cars are cleaner and much cheaper to run over their lifetimes, with a full charge costing the equivalent of buying petrol at around 40 cents per litre.
“Public EV charging has also become much more accessible, with charging stations available, on average, every 75 kilometers across over 97 percent of our state highway network, and hundreds more chargers are being installed.”
What does this mean for your next car purchase?
Buyers looking to purchase lower emission vehicles may qualify for the rebate. Higher fees will apply to higher emission petrol cars concerning the increased environmental, economic costs.
Clean Car Rebate
If you’re ready to purchase your electric car or want more detail about what EVs and hybrids are on the NZ market, look at the Ecotricity EV buyers guide. Filter through to find the best EV for your family or business!
If you would like further information on the clean car rebate or how to apply, check out the NZTA website here or read our blog to find more and which electric car would be most beneficial here.
Initiatives like the clean car rebate show NZ’s commitment to combating the climate crisis. Doing our part now will help support a greener future and help protect our planet.
“The passing of the Clean Vehicles legislation means it will be easier and more affordable for families to access clean, green ways of getting around – adding to the measures we’ve already taken and the uptake we’ve already seen." - James Shaw.