Keep Calm and Recycle with Reclaim

The Recycling Experts, Reclaim have joined forces with Ecotricity.

They’re 100% Kiwi and provide sustainable solutions to improve the state of our environment for the future!

Reclaim have been front runners in the recycling industry since 1975. They aim to provide guidance, advice and assurance around waste minimisation and are dedicated to promoting simple and effective ways to recycle at work.

Say no to plastic bags and be sure to recycle clean paper and glass. Too easy right!

Reclaim our values

Unlike other companies in the industry, Reclaim have 0% investment in landfills as landfills are more harmful than we realise. Nasty toxins and green house gases are released from landfills and into the atmosphere.

re weekReclaim truck

As crazy consumers who love to shop, indulge in fine dining and equip ourselves with the best gadgets, we tend to forget that waste is a part of the package too. That’s why Reclaim are adamant to shift social attitudes about waste and managing our waste footprint. Reclaim are the stars behind recycling week to encourage kiwi’s to recycle and be more waste responsible.


It’s as clear as day. Reclaim are serious about recycling and aspire to be the champions of business waste recycling.

Well Reclaim, you’re recycling champions in our eyes!

Thanks for teaming up with Ecotricity.

Thermal vs Green energy
Thermal vs Green energy
We compare thermal and renewable energy so you can see how much of a difference it makes. Download the infographic for more information.
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