Ethical Energy Company are Here

Ecotricity is now offering the only 100% carbonzero certified electricity to Kiwis. This wholly New Zealand and 49% community owned company, won’t stop there, they’re able to offer Kiwi homes and businesses electricity at a competitive price.
Al Yates, Director of Ecotricity, “Kiwis now have a genuine choice to purchase independently certified carbon neutral electricity. More and more people are embracing and championing sustainability, and we’re here to give everyone a carbonzero certified energy option that is competitive.”
The average household can reduce their annual CO2 emissions by 1,000 kg CO2 simply by switching to Ecotricity.
What people don’t realise is that 38% of NZ’s electricity generation comes from thermalsources which emit 4.8 billion kilograms of greenhouse gases each year, the equivalent emissions of 1.2 million cars. NZ should be committing to 100% renewable electricity and 90% of our transport fleet can be moved to electric. We provide carbon calculators for businesses and homes to use to get a true understanding of what their energy emissions are and what dollar savings they could enjoy by switching to an electric vehicle.
Ecotricity is offering pricing plans to support the uptake of solar and electric vehicle(EV) customers. “Solar and Electric Vehicles will be a large part of NZ’s future and we’re embracing it. We provide low off peak rates for electric vehicles and competitive solar buy back rates during the day. Our lines and metering charges are transparent to our customers and passed on at cost”, said Al Yates. “We have created an offering that puts the power back in the hands of the New Zealand consumer.” He continued.
carbonzero certification of electricity, which underpins Ecotricity’s electricity offering, was developed by Enviro-Mark Solutions, a wholly owned subsidiary of Landcare Research, a New Zealand Crown Research Institute).
The carbonzero certification scheme follows internationally accepted Product Category Rules and the technical requirements have been independently peer reviewed by overseas experts. Ecotricity undergoes an independently verified annual inventory measurement and offset cycle including purchasing electricity generation only from sources including wind, hydro and solar. In order to maintain certification Ecotricity must demonstrate emissions reductions over time. The carbonzero certification enables Ecotricity to show true carbon savings to their customers on a monthly basis on their electricity bills.
Yates believes the carbonzero certification means businesses can have increased confidence in what they are buying from Ecotricity. “A growing number of businesses and homes are looking to reduce their carbon footprint by buying 100% carbonzero Certified electricity and it takes only 5 minutes to switch. They’re paying a competitive electricity price from Ecotricity but get the added benefit of being able to tell their customers, friends or family they’re doing the right thing. For some exporters in particular, this is becoming a minimum requirement of overseas customers in Europe and the US. ”
Ecotricity is 100% Kiwi owned and 49% Community owned and has the capacity to supply up to 30,000 household equivalents at which point new renewable generation is planned. “We’re also supporting the rollout of electric vehicle fast chargers throughout NZ by supplying carbonzero Certified electricity to Charge.Net.NZ who has started installing rapid EV chargers” said Yates. “This is just one of the many excellent Kiwi initiatives that we actively support. We have crunched the numbers, and clean transport and energy is far better for our economy and our environment.”
Enviro-Mark Solutions CEO Ann Smith said: “Enviro-Mark Solutions is delighted to support Ecotricity in taking the initiative to provide carbonzero Certified electricity product into the New Zealand market. Certification of the Ecotricity electricity product has followed international best practice and has accounted for the whole life cycle of generation, transmission and distribution.”
Pure Advantage CEO Simon Millar also supports Ecotricity and their carbonzero electricity offering, “New Zealand is lagging well behind the world in emissions reduction, our percentage of renewables has actually reduced over the last couple of decades – not increased. We welcome Ecotricity carbonzero Certified electricity offering which will be far reaching because it is aligned to New Zealand’s renewable energy advantage and low cost clean energy future that Pure Advantage advocates.”