Electric Racing is Here
Love your motor racing but want to save the planet! Looking for a Clean and Green Staff Event? Then Formula E is the answer.
Read blog post Electric Racing is HereLove your motor racing but want to save the planet! Looking for a Clean and Green Staff Event? Then Formula E is the answer.
Read blog post Electric Racing is HereCheap Electric Air Flight is On the Way Ok, so we know that electric vehicles are about to take over the world, and the NZ Electric Vehicle Buyers Guide shows that there are now 20 models to choose from!
Hot on the heels of the Netherlands banning petrol and diesel car sales by 2030 and Norway by 2025 and India committing to a 100% electric vehicle fleet by 2030. Germany has announced plans to also ban the sale of petrol and diesel cars by 2030.
Read blog post Germany joins race to Ban Petrol and Diesel Car Sales by 2030Electric vehicles are about to dominate Europe with the announcement of Norway and the Netherlands banning the sale of petrol and diesel car sales by 2025 and 2030. Should NZ be following suit?
Read blog post Will Europe Lead the Ban on Petrol and Diesel Cars by 2025?Electric Vehicles in New Zealand have just received the boost they needed to take charge of NZ’s transport fleet. $20 million is being set aside per year by the government to accelerate the uptake of electric vehicles in New Zealand.
Read blog post Transport Minister Bridges Announces Massive Boost for Electric VehiclesHot on the announcement that India intends to move its transport fleet to 100% electric by 2030, the renewable energy sector in India registered impressive growth in the financial year ending March 31st, 2016.
Read blog post India Smashes Renewable Energy Target by 167%The recent announcement of the electrification of the NZ Bus fleet is a massive boost for completing the electrification of New Zealand's public transport fleet.
Read blog post Electric Buses and Driverless Shuttles are about to solve Auckland’s Traffic WoesIn Transport Wars it’s Hyperloop VS Hyperloop. The 5th Mode of Transportation Becomes Reality in 2018 Musk Strikes Again.
Read blog post In Transport Wars it’s Hyperloop vs HyperloopSign up to our newsletter and get updates fresh into your inbox.