10 things to celebrate Earth day!

Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 and was established in 1970. Over the last 51 years, it has become a public movement to acknowledge our mission to restore the earth and protect the environment. As climate change effects continue to increase, public awareness reminds us how important it is to act now is needed more than ever.
Every day is earth day and a good day to be kind to our planet. But earth day gives you a chance to try something new and if you’re already an ecowarrior, maybe challenge yourself to take the next step. Here are 10 things you could do to celebrate earth day below.
Plant trees
Help restore the earth by planting trees to help sequester carbon, clean our air and provide oxygen. You could consider planting trees with Million metres. A million metres have several waterway projects across NZ. You can either go along and help plant trees or make a donation.
Support ethical products and stay away from fast fashion
Why not support a local small boutique business that source organic materials. Or check out the local op shop to see what awesome bargains you can get. Not only are you saving a few dollars, buying secondhand means less clothing in landfills and less pollution.
Ban plastic for the day
Challenge yourself to go without plastic for the day. No cling wrap, no coffee cups, and no straws!
Try a refiller instead of the supermarket
If you’ve already given up single-use plastics, consider going package-free and supporting local refill stores like Refill nation. Zero-waste, package-free, and quality, delicious items.
Start composting
In the office, we have bokashi bins, which is great because we go through many coffee beans. Composting is superb nutrients for your soil and reduces waste to landfills.
Consider public transport
This might mean waking up a little earlier and a little more effort, but our planet will thank you for it, and you’ll feel great too. Here at Ecotricity, the staff is encouraged to take the bus, grab a work e-bike or walk to work. Being in the Auckland CBD makes it a little easier… and only having 2 dedicated car parks for a team of 20 means there’s no other option.
Join Ecotricity
NZ’s only carbonzero certified electricity, sourced from wind, hydro and solar. It’s more than powering your home; it’s about encouraging the future of renewable energy for generations to come. This means we can rely less on fossil fuels and more on renewable sources to make electricity cleaner and cheaper for Kiwis.
Get off the gas and go electric
Powering your electric car is equivalent to paying 30 cents a litre to fill a petrol car. It’s that much cheaper, and with zero carbon emissions, it’s a lot cleaner. Over time, more and more people will transition to electric cars. Right now, there are over 25,000 electric and hybrid cars on NZ roads. You can stay up to date with the latest news on EVs with our ecoTEC channel HERE. And if you’re ready to electrify your fleet, take a look at our EV Buyers Guide that has all the latest models available on the market in NZ. Once you go electric, there really is no going back.
Plogging is picking up rubbish while jogging. Pretty cool in our eyes. Do good, feel good!
Spread the word about Earth day
Tell your friends, family, or share a post on social media to shine a light on earth day 2021. Let the nearest and dearest people around you know that you care about the environment, and they should be too. It’s free and easy.