Endless Energy design & install fully engineered solar solutions for businesses, with a lifetime monitoring service. Their systems are designed to maximise energy savings, providing a measurable return on investment.
They specialise in commercial and large-scale solar projects. Their dedicated team of in-house installers are highly experienced in solar. Based in Canterbury, they deliver solar to the South Island of New Zealand. We have the technical capabilities to ensure projects are delivered to the highest standard of workmanship. With staff working in design and installation, their solutions are optimised, practical and innovative.
Our clients are able to future-proof their businesses and become leaders in their industry. Endless Energy are able to take on projects other solar companies might shy away from. Furthermore, they make things easy. The team at Endless can manage all aspects of solar projects.
Christchurch - 120a Maces Rd, Bromley, Christchurch 8062, New Zealand