CSR Electrical has been Providing high quality electrical work in the Waikato for over 15 years including Solar.
They are a privately owned and operated electrical business that specialize in Appliance servicing/repairs. Heat pump installation / servicing. All general domestic electrical work.
”Here at CSR Electrical we strive to ensure our clients achieve maximum cost efficiency by offering innovative solutions and products, With the rising cost of power in our homes and businesses we all want to start looking at ways we can save money on our power bills. Chat with our friendly, knowledgeable team about ways we can help”.
They also service and repair many major branded appliances, with a fast turn around and very competitive rates, so think twice before replacing that washing machine or oven.
If your wanting a reliable, bright and honest electrician then look no further as CSR Electrical will provide excellent service and advise insuring the very best outcome for you!


Servicing Waikato.


Hamilton - 22 Gilbek Place, Burbush, Hamilton

CSR Electrical