Simple tips to be more sustainable in 2023

It’s a new year and you know what that means… resolutions, diets, gym memberships and goal setting. Hands up if you’ve already cheated on your resolution… yeah same. About two thirds of people give up on their resolutions after a month, usually because they are too far from normal routine and too hard to maintain. Resolutions around exercise and heating more healthily are awesome, but they can require a lot of long-term hard work. Why not change it up this year and join us on a journey to be more sustainable. If you're keen to make some simple changes and do more for the environment in 2023, here are our top tips to be more sustainable in your everyday routine.
Opt for emails rather than mail
Reduce your waste by opting in for emailed invoices and receipts rather than getting them in the post. It’s usually a simple and painless process to choose this option, but if you do have trouble finding where to go just call your provider and they should point you in the right direction.
Turn off those switches
Save on power by turning off wall switches when your appliances aren’t in use. Most electronics sit on standby mode and actually use a bit of power, it’s not much, but it can add up over time. Even your phone charger uses electricity when switched on but not charging.
Recycle right
Take some time to research your regions recycling rules, you may find that you aren’t doing some things correctly. Did you know that some places require you to remove lids from plastics and some don’t? Did you also know that some containers require you to take the label off before recycling? (Which you can find out by simply reading the label). Make sure you are rinsing your recycling of any food or oils before putting it in the bin, if they are contaminated chances are that item won’t be recycled, it will go straight to landfill. Go one step further and take your soft plastics to a soft plastics recycling drop off near you.

Make plant-based food swaps
It’s common knowledge that living a more plant-based diet is better for the planet. If you don’t want to commit to being a full-time vegan why not try swapping out some small things for plant-based alternatives, e.g., having a plant-based milk in your coffee instead of cow’s milk, using a spread like nuttelex instead of butter. Here are some other swaps you could try.
BYO containers
Invest in a keep cup for when you grab a takeaway coffee, most single use coffee cups can’t be recycled and end up in landfill. Go one step further and take your own reusable containers with you when you grab lunch on-the-go or get takeaways for dinner.
Switch to greener cleaning products
Are your cleaning products created using safe, non-toxic and biodegradable ingredients? Eco-friendly cleaning products not only reduce air and water pollution but also help fight ozone depletion and climate change. Many ‘green’ cleaning products are multi-purpose too, so you can save money by buying less.
Reusables in the kitchen
A great way to reduce your kitchen waste is by investing in reusable silicon baking mats, food covers, and zip lock bags. They are easy to use, easy to clean and you’ll never have to buy baking paper or cling film again! We bought ours from CaliWoods.
Buy a bar
Reduce your waste by buying shampoo/ conditioner/ wash bars of soap. There are so many brands to choose from, and some of them don’t even come in packaging (they have dissolvable labels). Waste free for the win! Our friends over at Ethique have some great soaps to choose from.

Visit your local refillery
Take your own jars and containers to a refillery to stock up on non-perishable items like nuts, beans, grains and even cleaning products. It’s all based off weight, so weigh your containers when you get there and fill em’ up! Bulk buying can also be cheaper, but most importantly reduce plastic waste.
Grow your own
Start a vegetable and herb garden with items you normally buy from the supermarket. It can be a fun and satisfying way to get your 5+ a day in, but better yet it will be pesticide free. Go one step further and start a compost to help nourish your garden and reduce food waste going to landfill.
Join Ecotricity
For most individuals, electricity usage will be one of their biggest emissions factors, so switching over to 100% renewable climate positive electricity is a simple way eliminate those emissions. If you have friends or family keen to do their bit, then why not let them know about the mission that we're on.
Living a more sustainable life doesn’t have to be hard, making small changes in your daily routine can help significantly reduce your carbon footprint. Once you start, it’s hard to stop, and there is always more that you can do. Try one of these easy tips today and help keep New Zealand green!