Ecotricity is a living wage accredited Employer!

The paperwork is complete and approved. It’s official… Ecotricity is a living wage accredited employer.
What does this actually mean? All our staff at Ecotricity receive the living wage or above. This will reduce financial strain and staff feel valued and less stressed.
“At Ecotricity we’re doing our best to help shape a better and cleaner New Zealand. Not only are we carbonzero Certified, we are now Living Wage Certified because it’s the right thing to do for our team. It was a simple decision to make, we recommend other companies do the same,” – Al Yates, director of Ecotricity.
Our staff are the battery pack for our business and we value their hard work and commitment. So, we do what’s best to create a safe, fun and fair work environment for the entire team. In conjunction to becoming a living wage employer, we also conduct a pay review twice a year, an annual work culture survey and monthly social events.
Before applying to become living wage accredited, all our staff receive the living wage or above. But we made the pledge to gain living wage accreditation with CoGo NZ. It was to show we’re willing to go the extra mile to do the right thing.
We challenge other businesses to follow suit and become living wage accredited too!
Ecotricity would like to thank Felicia and the Living Wage Team for all your help. A special mention to our great friend, Anna, from CoGo NZ; You’ve been there every step of the way to help us achieve this milestone and we couldn’t have done this without you.
He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata.
What is the most precious thing in the world? It is people, It is people, It is people.