Beautiful Climate Home Leads the way in Queenstown

Powered by solar and Ecotricity
Ecotricity love being the first choice for supply to a new home, and we’re lucky enough to be supplying to homes popping up across New Zealand every day. Customers Michael Sly and Jodie Lyne’s home in Queenstown is no different – but there’s something really cool about this new home… And we don’t mean the temperature!
Michael and Jodie are leading the initiative of passive homes in New Zealand. These homes follow a building standard that is truly energy efficient, comfortable, affordable and ecological at the same time. This means no heat pumps, gas or fire place! But regardless of Queenstown’s icy temperatures, every inch of the home manages a constant 23 degrees.
Possibly the most exciting aspect of this home is that it produces enough energy in one year to match its own electrical consumption, which includes enough to charge their electrical vehicle. Michael and Jodie are saving $100 a week or $10,000 a year on petrol and heating. On the Ecotricity lowSOLAR price plan they reap the benefits of lower night rates when charging their electric vehicle at night.
No doubt, this is a huge step for the future of NZ building. And just one of many in the journey towards making Eco building more mainstream and accessible for the average Kiwi. We’re just happy to be a part of it!
To find out how you can have a passive home built for you, check out NZ Smart Building System