Why choose us?

Keen to go green?
Go on, make the switch to the cleanest, greenest electricity New Zealand has to offer. It’s easy and our team will be with you every step of the way. Just give us a call if you have any questions.

Only 100% sustainable energy purchased from wind, hydro and solar.
We purchase our electricity from the Tekapo A & B hydro dams and Tongariro (Rangipo & Tokaanu) power scheme, the Hau Nui, Mount Stuart and Flat Hill Wind Farms and purchase substantial volumes of solar generation from our customers. The climate positive certified electricity from these sources is matched to your consumption on an annualized basis.;
A passionate team of sustainable Kiwis
A beautiful team of 58 and growing, on a mission to raise awareness of greenhouse gas emissions associated with all thermal and fossil fuel sources. A company that walks the talk!
NZ businesses making a difference
“Farro Fresh expect to save over 260,000 kilograms CO2 from our electricity emissions each year by moving to Ecotricity. There is no added cost ... in fact over time we expect to see worthwhile savings.”
“I wanted to ensure that my family and I consume electricity that is produced through renewable methods. We felt that Ecotricity's climate positive certification gives us confidence that we are achieving that goal without paying more! Nice work Team.”
“I switched to Ecotricity because they offer some of the best solar export rates as well as great night time rates, and it’s all from climate positive certified renewable sources.”